With the recent tragedy that has devastated Japan, many non-specialists are looking for answers as to how something like this could even be possible. I am one of those people! I decided to do some minor research and try to formulate my own idea of how this occurred. To begin we must first solidify our understanding of global warming and greenhouses gases and follow with how it possibly could relate to the destructive Tsunami.
Well, global warming is basically caused by the earth’s temperature rising. This occurs as gasses such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and water vapor (Greenhouse gasses) trap the sun’s heat within the atmosphere. Due to our society’s Unwillingness to accept the fact that we need to change significantly to try to slow down our damage to our planet, we have caused much harm. With the large amount of Greenhouse gasses becoming trapped in our atmosphere, the world has been steadily warming up. A direct effect can be the melting of glaciers and large sheets of ice. These frigid structures, experts say, exert a massive amount of pressure on the
Earth’s surface so if they were to melt, the change on pressure could lead to massive geological repercussions. The tsunami itself was triggered by a massive Earthquake near north-east Japan. It is quite plausible that the pressure change on the earth’s surface due to global warming was the cause of this earthquake. To dissect this further; the initial incident was actually our pollution issues! The push to go green in recent years has sparked a global trend to start becoming more Environmentally friendly. It however is being undermined by large companies who
refuse to get with the program. We could be the cause of our own demise. We had to have millions upon millions of things be perfect for us to be able to sustain life on this planet. It is quite a blessing as to how perfect our planet is for us. Now with that in mind, why must we be the ones destroying it?
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